university photos HUb
University photo archives include Marketing and Communications, Lion Athletics, the historical University Photograph Collection and Campus Recreation.
ETAMU Photo Use
ETAMU Photo Use
Photo use requests should be sent to [email protected]
- If a publication (newspaper, magazine, or online outlet) is discussing the photograph itself (e.g., the technique used to create it), this falls under Fair Use, which is a recognized carve-out in copyright law.
- Example: A publication analyzing the creative process behind an image does not require legal input from us.
- When an image is used in conjunction with an article (whether or not ETAMU is the author), approval must be requested via [email protected].
- Approval Process:
- If the image aligns with the article’s content, permission will typically be granted.
- Approved images must include the following byline:
- Print/Online Articles: Photography by East Texas A&M University
- Social Media Posts: Photo by @etamu1889
- If the publication has specific byline requirements, we can provide alternative credit formats as needed.
- Press Releases: When an image is issued as a press handout, approval is implied.
- Any commercial, advertising, marketing, endorsement, or product-related use involving ETAMU intellectual property is prohibited without prior authorization.
- Example:
- We have granted permission for an on-campus beauty vending start-up to use ETAMU-created images for promoting their business.
Final Note
We always appreciate knowing when and how our images are used. If relevant, we’d love to cross-promote their usage!